We are a growing nationwide Christian fellowship with an evangelistic focus on the local biker culture. Perhaps this is where God calls you to serve. We save the lost, then we disciple the saved.
Read more..We're happy you stopped by to check us out, and we hope you enjoy the ride!
If you enjoy motorcycles and black leather, then this web site will hopefully get you fueled up for Christ also. With Calvary Riders Motorcycle Ministry you will find people from all levels and all walks of life. Our commonality is that we are all believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and we all have a passion for motorcycles.
Our members are all different, with different stories and with different struggles in life, but we all come together as one unified body under God’s saving grace and what Jesus Christ did on the cross for our sins. We are people who have experienced first hand the mercy and forgiveness of God through Jesus Christ. We have seen God dramatically touch lives by delivering answers to life’s many struggles, healing marriages, and even providing freedom from controlling addictions. God has given us peace and joy where confusion and hopelessness once reigned. We have seen God do all this through His great ability, His Spirit and His Word to us, the scriptures, the Holy Bible.
The Bible is our guide and rule book, and we have found that it contains everything that is needed to guide us through our time here on earth. Our hope is that you will become familiar with it’s content and come to understand that you can be forgiven and live a life with meaning and purpose. God is not angry nor is He incapable. He is longing to fill you with His love and make you a part of His family.
We invite individuals of all ages, race, gender, and motorcycle preference to become members. The main purpose of this ministry is to give Christian motorcycle enthusiasts an opportunity for fellowship, to grow in their faith, and to share the Gospel message with the unsaved.